Skycorp Launches 800W Balcony Solar System



As the world continues to move towards renewable energy sources, solar energy has gained a lot of attention. The use of solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity is becoming increasingly popular, and the technology behind it is constantly improving. One such technology is microinverters, which work in conjunction with solar panels to make them more efficient. In this article, we will be discussing a balcony solar system that uses microinverters and solar panels to produce 800W of electricity.

What is a microinverter?

A microinverter is a small electronic device that converts direct current (DC) electricity produced by a solar panel into alternating current (AC) electricity that can be used by household appliances. Microinverters are installed on each individual solar panel, which makes them more efficient than traditional string inverters. This is because traditional string inverters are installed on a single unit and are affected by the lowest-performing panel in the system, whereas microinverters allow each panel to operate independently, resulting in higher overall system performance.


What are solar panels?

Solar panels are devices that convert sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic cells. These cells are made up of semiconductor materials that absorb photons and release electrons, creating a flow of electricity. Solar panels come in various sizes and efficiencies, with larger panels typically producing more electricity.

How do microinverters and solar panels work together?

Microinverters and solar panels work together to maximize the amount of electricity that can be produced. When sunlight hits a solar panel, it produces DC electricity, which is then converted into AC electricity by the microinverter. This AC electricity can be used by household appliances or fed back into the grid. By using microinverters, each solar panel operates at its maximum efficiency, resulting in higher overall system performance.

What is a balcony solar system?

A balcony solar system is a type of solar system that is designed to be installed on a balcony or other small space. This type of system is typically smaller than traditional rooftop solar systems and is ideal for people who live in apartments or other small living spaces. The balcony solar system we are discussing in this article uses microinverters and solar panels to produce 800W of electricity.

What are the components of an 800W balcony solar system?

The components of an 800W balcony solar system include:

Solar panels: The solar panels used in this system are 200W each and are connected in a series to produce a total of 800W of electricity.

Microinverters: There are four microinverters used in this system, with one installed on each solar panel.

Mounting brackets: The solar panels are mounted onto the balcony using mounting brackets that are specifically designed for this type of system.



The use of microinverters and solar panels in a balcony solar system is an efficient and cost-effective way to produce electricity from the sun. By using microinverters, each solar panel operates at its maximum efficiency, resulting in higher overall system performance. The components of an 800W balcony solar system include solar panels, microinverters, and mounting brackets. This type of system is ideal for people who live in apartments or other small living spaces and want to take advantage of solar energy.



Post time: Mar-08-2023